If you are looking for how to treat bed bug bites at home, then, for starts, try washing the affected area with anti-bacterial soap as soon as you see the rash or bump so it does not spreads further. Or apply ice pack to reduce the itchiness and swelling. Calamine or antiseptic cream should also do the work but you should apply them often, especially before you go to sleep. Remember to wash and clean your bedroom bed sheets and pillows after few days to remove the dust and dead skin collected on them, which are the main cause of bed bugs to appear. Tropical oils are another method which is a natural disinfectant and has anti-bacterial properties.
When you are using old sheets in winters, first dry clean them to remove all the stored dust and lint which would cause bed bugs and do not forget to vacuum your mattress once every month because the sponge present inside the mattresses and pillows store dusts and other microscopic particles that can cause bugs or breathing problem which can affect your overall health.
If you want to know more about bed bugs and how to treat bed bug bites then you should visit HELPFUL FOR HOMES Website. You would get all the information that would be helpful to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from bed bug bites and other harmful dust allergy diseases and methods on how to prevent yourself and treat yourself from such type of bites and skin allergies.
Top Ten Home Remedies for Bed Bugs
Apply an Ice Pack
This may seem like the most obvious answer. Bed bug bites can cause severe itching and annoyance (if not pain). The irritable welts these brown and red blood-suckers leaves behind can leave you in a large amount of discomfort.
That’s why applying an ice pack can be a good home remedy. The cool of the ice will relieve the swelling of the bite, and it will also numb your nerves. This numbness will give you temporary relief from the itchy bites. It’s important to remember that you should never apply the ice directly to your skin, but rather wrap it in a cloth or towel first.
Baking Soda
If you have ever been stung by any type of insect before, chances are you already know that baking soda can be a great remedy for itchy and inflamed areas. In order to use this home remedy, mix a small amount of baking soda with water. Spread the resulting paste over your bug bites. If you have been bitten on your back or other hard-to-reach places, it might be helpful to have someone assist you.
Leave the paste on for approximately one hour and then wash it off with water. The area may a little dry, but it will no longer be itchy. Make sure to continuously apply moisture to the area(s) so that your skin does not become too dry and flaky (and thus, itchy again).
Soap and Water
This is perhaps the simplest remedy on the list. Most of us probably do not think about washing our bug bites with soap and water, but the soap can actually act as a mild antiseptic. This will relieve the itchiness of the bites, and it will also give you a good clean while you are at it.
Just remember: you must apply the soap to the bitten areas before you wash it off with water. When the soap dries, wash it off with the water. Washing your bites this way will ensure maximum protection from itchiness.
Calamine Lotion
Calamine lotion can be a great remedy for bed bug bites. If you are unfortunate enough to have been bitten by bed bugs, applying calamine lotion to your bites can be a wonderful relief. The calamine serves to dry the infected area and reduce inflammation, which will in turn help you with your itchiness.
For best results, apply the calamine lotion two or three times per day. Applying once will still help your bed bug bites, but it may not give your skin the amount of attention it deserves. When recovering from external damage, it is always best to give your skin the care it needs to return to maximum potential.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a great natural way to combat your bed bug bite inflammation. The lemon juice will go directly to the source of the bite to reduce itching and swelling, and you will notice a difference in a matter of minutes.
You can apply lemon juice to your bites, or you can cover them with lemon wedges; the choice is up to you. However, we stress the importance of not putting any type of lemon or lemon juice onto any open wound, as it could lead your wound to become worse. Be careful when applying the juice and watch your bed bug bites disappear.
It might come as a surprise, but the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed that the phenol in oatmeal is a great combatant to inflammation and irritation. For this reason, it will be helpful if you cover your bed bug bites in oatmeal. Though you will certainly look strange, you will feel better—and if you get bitten by bed bugs, this is probably all you will care about.
Applying oatmeal can be a messy process, but it will work to treat your bed bug bites if none of the other options on this list are available to you.
If you have recently been bitten by bed bugs and happen to have a few spare cucumbers, you can actually use them to your advantage. A chilled cucumber can reduce the itching and swelling that goes with your bed bug bites. Cut up your cucumber and place it on your bites for around ten minutes. Following this, remove the cucumber, and your bites will feel much better.
The downside to this remedy is that it may take four to five treatments a day for consistent relief. Still, it can at least be seen as one of the more therapeutic ways to treat bed bug bites—if you have enough cucumbers, that is.
Toothpaste contains menthol, a substance that works to fight against inflammation and irritation. Because of this, it can also be helpful in treating your bed bug bites. Applying a little swab of toothpaste to each of your bites can help reduce the discomfort that comes with bed bug bites.
Like the cucumber remedy, the toothpaste remedy requires constant application. If you need to go outside or leave the house for any reason, chances are you probably do not want toothpaste lathered across your face.
Still, toothpaste can be a great home remedy when you are in a pinch.
Banana Peels
It turns out that banana peels actually have a use besides making people fall in comic fashions. Rubbing the inside of a banana peel on your bed bug bites can reduce irritation and itchiness. This is because the natural chemicals in bananas are great at combatting inflammation.
You can find bananas easily at your local grocery store. However, the greatest thing about this remedy is that you will actually be able to enjoy delicious bananas while you are being treated. Just remember to apply the banana peels a few times a day, and you will be good to go.
Mouthwash contains ethanol, a substance that is great at naturally combatting inflammation and swelling. This means that applying mouthwash to each of your bed bug bites can relieve the discomfort and itchiness you are feeling.
Be careful in the amount of mouthwash you use, as it can be easy to overdo it. You only need enough to cover your individual bites—you do not want to end up wasting your mouthwash. For this reason, it would be helpful for you to apply the mouthwash with a cotton ball.
Apply the mouthwash whenever you feel the irritability coming back, and it will keep you from going crazy until your bed bugs disappear.
These are really safe remedies for treating bed bug bites. I am also in search of amazing pest control services which are providing organic treatments for bedbugs. Found symptoms of bedbugs at my place and on my bed so planning to take help from renowned company to get rid of this problem.