Have you ever waked up with red rashes on your skin and
small bumps that are very itchy? Then you have bed bugs in your bed sheets and
pillows which are causing you the bed bug bites.In this article, you would
learn about bed bugs and how to treat
bed bug bites with home remedies. Small, nearly invisible, bugs that are
present in your bed sheets and pillows appear due to dirty and unwashed sheets.
The bugs bite your skin and insert saliva which then further causes rashes,
swollen bumps and itchiness. The itchiness is so severe that you cannot resist,
which causes the bug bite to stay for couple of days to weeks until it heals.
If you are looking for how
to treat bed bug bites at home,then, for starts, try washing the affected
area with anti-bacterial soap as soon as you see the rash or bump so it does
not spreads further. Or apply ice pack to reduce the itchiness and swelling.
Calamine or antiseptic cream should also do the work but you should apply them
often, especially before you go to sleep. Remember to wash and clean your
bedroom bed sheets and pillows after few days to remove the dust and dead skin
collected on them, which are the main cause of bed bugs
to appear.Tropical oils are another method which is a natural disinfectant and
has anti-bacterial properties. When you are using old sheets in winters, first
dry clean them to remove all the stored dust and lint which would cause bed
bugs and do not forget to vacuum your mattress once every month because the
sponge present inside the mattresses and pillows store dusts and other
microscopic particles that can cause bugs or breathing problem which can affect
your overall health.
If you want to know more about bed bugs and how to treat bed bug bites then you
should visit HELPFUL FOR HOMES Website. You would get all the information that
would be helpful to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from bed bug bites
and other harmful dust allergy diseases and methods on how to prevent yourself
and treat yourself from such type of bites and skin allergies. For More Information Please visit www.helpfulforhomes.com
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