Monday, 6 March 2017

Banishing the Bugs: Know about the Bed Bugs Symptoms and Signs

The pesky little pests can sneak into your bed, furniture or your carpet and then they are sure to bite you all through the night, which is their feeding time. The next morning or on the later ones, you are likely to sport a red and itchy appearance. While there are some people who do not experience any bed bugs symptoms but those who do will find

A red swollen area that has an even a darker center.
Bites that are grouped together or present in a line
Some people who show allergy symptoms may also have hives and blisters around the bites.

Distinct Groupings 

Most of the bed bug bites occur in the exposed or open areas like the face, arms, legs and chest. A peculiar thing about bed bug bites is that the bites not appear immediately after your body has been bitten unlike bites from other insects. In fact, it may take a few days before they begin to manifest on the body. They crawl out to have their meal once in a few nights. Thus, it may take a few days before you notice your bite to be a part of a larger pattern.

The bed bug bites are highly itchy and you may experience a burning sensation on the bites several days after the feeding episode. You do not tend to experience these irritating symptoms immediately at the time of bite because the bugs do their work slyly. These creatures inject an anti-irritant (anti-histaminic) substance into the area of bite prior to their feeding so you feel no sensation of the bite until a certain time. However, upon the development of irritation, when you scratch the bite, you can get a secondary infection that can lead to swelling and bleeding. Sometimes one can confuse the mosquito or flea bites with bed bug bites. But, one can easily distinguish bed bug bites in that they occur in groupings or lines and are not sporadic. Also, the flea bites are quite small and tend to be located on your arms and legs.

You can also investigate your bed for the presence of these insects. Basically, bed bugs are oval shaped non-flying insects that belong to the insect family Cimicidae including three species that bite humans. The adults can reach a 7mm in length while the nymphs can be as small as 1.5 mm. Bedbugs receive their food by sucking the blood of humans and animals. The adult bedbugs have a reddish-brown body and appear even more reddish after having their meal. They have an amazing crawling speed and feed only at night. To know more about bed bugs symptoms and their remedies, please visit Helpful For Homes.

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